All treatments require a medical consultation & include thoughtful tailored aftercare advice, as well as optional aromatherapy & CBD.

Remedy - Holistic Therapy

Physical Therapy 

Holistic massage is at the heart of my practice and I work with clients to remedy a myriad of physical complaints and support their mental health. 

Holistic massage is intuitive, there is no set routine as each treatment is bespoke tailored to your needs and preferences by consultation. 

Based on the Swedish system Holistic massage uses long sweeping strokes called effleurage to stimulate blood flow and calm the central nervous system. Petrissage techniques such as kneading, squeezing and stretching release knots and relieve tight aching muscles. A range of percussive taps called tapotement strengthen deep tissue muscles. Friction is applied to any adhesions in muscles or tendons, especially around tight joints. I also include wringing, vibration, hand holds, Reiki, chakra cleansing and pressure point release and various other techniques to make every treatment unique, and focused on your specific physical and emotional needs.


Combining complementary therapies by adding aromatherapy can induce a deeper state of relaxation and target specific needs. We select essential oils together using your nose and medical consultation as a starting point, I then blend the correct ratios with a rich nourishing carrier oil to use as your massage medium. 

Aroma Wellness Tools 

For those that are empowered to use aromatherapy and/or CBD to manage their everyday wellness, I’ve developed a range of natural skin care products designed to form the basis of a ritualistic self-care practice, and foster a loving, respectful relationship with one’s body. 

My ‘aromatherapy on-the-go’ roller balls contain synergistically blended pure essential oils, carriers rich in nourishing fatty acids and sometimes combined with CBD. Formulated to regulate the nervous system (and the ECS) they are a convenient tool for managing your mood and daily wellness. 

Proudly my topical aromatherapy products are used alongside talking therapies in clinical practice at: 

Thrive Taunton 

As well as here - they are also available to purchase in: 

Kernel of Hove

Wild Cherry Cafe 

About Balance 


Often a generic handout or an encouragement to drink water, and sometimes sadly nothing at all. Aftercare for my clients has often been just as, (and sometimes more) impactful than the treatment itself. My mission is to empower others with the tools, confidence and insight to manage their own wellbeing.

What each person’s holistic toolkit contains will be unique to them. I facilitate my clients' growth in confidence by bettering their understanding of their physiology, its needs and how to meet them. I am a kind, non-judgemental, empathetic and knowledgeable cheerleader for your pursuit of holistic wellness. 

Body Positive & Age Inclusive Therapist

My focus is on facilitating a meaningful and safe, supportive relationship, in which you feel empowered to manage your own physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental wellbeing, through holistic practices and complimentary therapies.

Remedy is FHT/IHPM/NCFE Accredited in:

  • Anatomy, Pathology & Physiology

  • Aromatherapy Massage

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • Face Lift Massage

  • Counselling Skills

Professional indemnity cover provided by:

Westminster Insurance - Policy No: 108111